Monday, December 10, 2007

Leopard introduces lots of new apps and interface features to Mac OS X. How does Vista hold up?

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In this overview of in-flight Internet capabilities, we take a look at what various airlines say they'll be offering to their customers, which companies are building networks, and when we can expect to get full Web connections on planes.

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Latest News
Exploit code menaces media players from Microsoft and AOL, who urges users to modify their apps to avoid attack. 10-Dec-2007

Apple's wares are the most sought on holiday shopping lists in the U.K., France and Germany, ComScore says. 10-Dec-2007

Developers can now build apps for the professional networking site, which sports a jazzier look and new features. 10-Dec-2007

Cisco's core routers will help boost network capacity and support advanced Web and video services. 10-Dec-2007

Safety features of the colorful phone include a 'panic' alarm and GPS to find lost kids. 10-Dec-2007

The fast, quiet solid-state drives could appear early next year. 10-Dec-2007

Denver International Airport quietly drops the fee for wireless Internet access in time to serve ads to holiday travelers. 10-Dec-2007

A cover band's performance for the Activision game prompts a copyright infringement claim by the original artists. 10-Dec-2007

The new Transmissions site offers artist videos, interviews and other streaming features. 10-Dec-2007

An overzealous antispam measure erroneously blocks legitimate users, prompting a traffic jam on Google's forums. 10-Dec-2007

First, the data center dialed back its power consumption. Now it's the front office's turn. 10-Dec-2007

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