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The FCC wireless spectrum auction: What is it, what's at stake, how does it work, and what does it mean to you? 03-Dec-2007
Apple CEO Steve Jobs will deliver the keynote address to the Macworld Conference & Expo 2008 on Jan. 15, 2008. 03-Dec-2007
Just four days after releasing version of Firefox 2.0 to fix six known bugs, browser developers at Mozilla Corp. had to scramble push out another update. 03-Dec-2007
Facebook's controversial Beacon service tracks activities from all users in third-party partner sites, including people who never signed up with Facebook or who have deactivated their accounts, a researcher says. 03-Dec-2007
A new mobile market research project now measures and ranks mobile Web sites. 03-Dec-2007
Microsoft buys WebFives, which provides a Web-based file-sharing service for Internet and mobile video, photos, audio, and blogs. 03-Dec-2007
Klausner Technologies claims it hold patents on technology used by Apple's iPhone and VoIP products from Cablevision, Comcast, and Ebay. 03-Dec-2007
Subscribers to Dave Johnson's Digital Focus took these shots; read Dave's December 3, 2007 column for the Hot Pic of the Month winner. 03-Dec-2007
Yahoo's Kickstart social network introduces graduates to the job market, the latest Opera browser syncs bookmarks, and GoldMail turns messages into slide shows. 03-Dec-2007
The social-networking site confirms that its Beacon ad service is more intrusive and stealthy than previously acknowledged. 03-Dec-2007
The next generation's multitasking, collaborative work habits have IT managers reconsidering office structure. 03-Dec-2007
Leopard's release helps push the Mac to 6.81% of the operating system market, says new research. 03-Dec-2007
Analyst cautions IT managers to resist buying consumer-class PCs for business tasks. 03-Dec-2007
Britain security agency warns of international spies in cyberspace. 03-Dec-2007
The application makes your iTunes music library accessible from any Web browser. 03-Dec-2007
The Open-source CMS vendor pushes its tools beyond Facebook integration and bashes Microsoft's SharePoint. 03-Dec-2007
The new notebook chip will use the Silverthorne core, which also targets consumer electronics, embedded apps, and mobile devices 03-Dec-2007
Six Apart sells the blogging and community site to the Russian online media company SUP. 03-Dec-2007
Next year, the chipmaker begins production of GDDR, a faster, more energy-efficient graphics memory chip. 03-Dec-2007
Robots sing, bark, and slug it out at Tokyo tournament to be named the world champ among automatons. 03-Dec-2007
Vivendi buys into Activision to create Activision Blizzard, the world's largest third-party game publisher. 03-Dec-2007
Both Windows and Mac systems may be vulnerable to exploits of an upatched QuickTime hole, Symantec warns. 03-Dec-2007