Video: The Apple Year in Review

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Microsoft and Adobe will wrangle for market and mind share in the burgeoning rich Internet application space, according to close observers of the companies. 30-Dec-2007
The entrance of two new operating systems from well-known brands shakes up the plans of some mobile operators and indicates some fundamental changes in the mobile industry. 30-Dec-2007
Company is mum on plans for releasing an Xbox 360 motion controller. 28-Dec-2007
Once the dominant Web browser, AOL has discontinued development and active support for the Netscape browser. 28-Dec-2007
In 2007 hackers found a new target, Mac OS X. 28-Dec-2007
2007 figures to be go down as one of the banner years in Apple's three-decade history. Here is a look back at a year in Apple news. 28-Dec-2007
Wal-Mart exits the movie download business. 28-Dec-2007
A Saudi blogger whose writings were critical of religious extremism has reportedly been detained by Saudi Arabian officials, according to advocacy groups. 28-Dec-2007
Tables are turning for IT buyers with new tech trends that have given shoppers the upper hand. 28-Dec-2007
When it comes to Internet usage, cell phones, and creating Web content Americans are leading the wired pack. 28-Dec-2007
Starry-eyed companies and CEOs made big promises to rollout new gadgets and told consumers to prepare for big trends in 2007. Who was right? And who was wrong? 28-Dec-2007
Top YouTube videos of 2007 run the gamut from an homage to Britney Spears, to stampeding buffaloes, to hilarious political satires. 28-Dec-2007